Mobile Phone Forensic Theory Mobile Forensics dan Security Series Andri Puspo Heriyanto text Yogyakarta Andi 2016 Ed. 1 ind
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xxii, 314 hlm : Ilus ; 19x23 cm
Materi yang dibahas buku ini mencakup: Pendahuluan, kebijakan dan prosedur mobile phone forensics, konsep dasar jaringan telekomunikasi seluler, data digital terkait telepon seluler, smartphone dan aplikasi mobile, android smartphone forensic, IOS smartphone forensics, backup file forensics, blackberry smartphone forensics, dll Keamanan data 005.8 005.8 AND m 978-979-29-6260-4 180406 20180406113755 INLIS000000000000057 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)