Quantitative Analysis For Management 13ed Barry Render text Malaysia Person Education Limited 2018 Ed. 13 eng
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597 hlm ; 23x29cm
Daftar Isi: Introduction To Quantitative Analysis, Probability Concepts And Applications, Decision Analysis, Regression Models, Forecasting, Inventory Control Models, Linear Programming Applications, Transportation, Assignment And Naetwork Models, Integer Programming, Goal Programming And Nonlinear, Project Management, Witing Lines And Queuing Theory Models, Simulation Modeling, Markov Analysis, Statistical Quality Control. Manajemen pengambilan keputusan 658.403.6 658.403.6 BAR q 978-1-292-21765-9 190321 20190321031301 INLIS000000000005153 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)